Skin Rejuvenation | $149

The latest IPL technology

non surgical facelift

IPL Skin rejuvenation therapy targets fine lines & wrinkles, enlarged pores, minor pitting & scarring etc.

IPL therapy uses multiple wavelengths of light and radio frequency to treat the affected area. Effectively, the structures of the condition causing the rosacea, pigmentation, broken capillaries or simply the aging of the skin, absorb the precise energy levels, which then destroy the causes of these conditions and promote production of new collagen and elastin. Over time and with the right course of treatment, the condition becomes visibly reduced resulting in rejuvenated, collagen enhanced, tighter and younger looking skin.

How often will I need treatments

Revive Geelong recommends 2 to 4 treatments, at 4 to 6 week intervals.

Contact us to inquire about our treatment prices or view our Skin Rejuvenation Package here.