Pigmentation Reduction from $39

IPL Pigmentation Reduction

Treat freckles, sun spots, flat birthmarks with the Pigmentation Reduction treatments at Revive Geelong.

IPL has been used with great success to remove pigmented areas on the skin. Using this state of the art technology, charged energy light (IPL) and radio frequency (RF) are selectively emitted and absorbed by the pigmented areas, sparing the normal surrounding tissue. Combining Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) with radio frequency (RF) requires less melanin-dependent light energy to successfully treat pigmentation, being therefore safer for treating darker skin tones.

Skin pigmentation in the face, neck, chest and hands can be treated safely and effectively. This also works to activate cells in the skin called fibroblasts which stimulate collagen remodeling and new collagen production. Effectively, this helps to rejuvenate the skin, improving its texture, visibly minimizing pores and reducing superficial fine lines and wrinkles to reveal a more youthfully hydrated appearance.

How often will I need treatments?

2 to 8 treatments usually recommended, at 4 to 6 week intervals.

Contact us to inquire about our individual prices or view our Pigmentation Treatment Package here.